Τhrough basic and applied research, CAN contributes to the development of new knowledge, methods and technologies that advance personalized medicine and quality of life. In particular, CAN undertakes, but not limited to, the following four activities:
1. Development and/or standardization of assessment tools for language, cognition, affection, and behavior.
2. Execution of large cohort studies in the areas of aging, brain injury, anxiety, and learning disabilities for epidemiologically principled studies and development of predictive models for disease progression and recovery.
3. Development of treatment protocols such as the Categorization Program, virtual reality for anxiety, substance abuse prevention, meaning-based language training, PASS reading enhancement program, and parenting the strong-wild child.
5. Expertise in advanced methodologies including neuroimaging protocols such as advanced structural, volumetric and resting state brain analyses, electrophysiological brain measures and peripheral psychophysiological measures.
6. Expertise in neuropsychological, language and psychological assessment and through the implementation of psychometric testing and qualitative analyses in acquired neurological, developmental, and psychological conditions in children and adults.
Infrastructure and facilities
Currently, the research infrastructure of CAN includes equipment for electrophysiological (EEG), eye tracking, neuropsychological, psychophysiological, and behavioral testing.
CAN supports experimental studies of cognitive and affective functions using two BioSemi ActiveTwo high-density EEG/ERP systems and a BIOPAC fNIR 1200 system. Additional external electrodes for monitoring eye movement or physiological activity (e.g., GSR) are also available. The center also has licenses for software that is used for analyzing electrophysiological data such as the Brain Electrical Source Analysis (BESA), Brain Analyzer, Acknowledge, and several Matlab toolboxes.
CAN also has an SR Research Eyelink CL eye-tracking system that can be used for recording monocular or binocular tracking. CAN has 5 research dedicated testing rooms, plus a state-of-the-art computer room for data processing and analysis, several computers for data collection, a conference room and several staff offices.
CAN is adjacent to the rest of the laboratories of the Department of Psychology, to which access is typically provided. The combined area of CAN and the Psychology labs is about 300m2. All of the facilities of CAN and the Department of Psychology comply with handicap accessibility specifications.