Center for Applied Neuroscience

Level Up

Demand for highly skilled, efficient, healthy and socially engaged citizens and employees is increasing. Skills mismatches pose a massive economic and societal burden in EU, and compromise the employability, wellbeing and quality of life of millions of Europeans.

Higher Education Institutions as drivers for wider socio-economic change and innovation, host a significant proportion of the future workforce. Although students in Ηigher Εducation commonly graduate with excellent technical academic skills to do well in their future profession and general in life, it is highly debated whether higher education graduates also have developed sufficient transversal/soft skills essential to do well and succeed in different aspects of life.

The project’s main objective is to a) provide new understanding on transversal skills of students in higher education, b) develop innovative educational material and tools for transversal skills training, and c) integrate all the produced material in an applicable framework for transversal skills training.

The project is conducted by a consortium of 4 European countries (Cyprus, Netherlands, Spain and Greece) under the supervision of Prof. Georgia Panayiotou (PI) of the Department of Psychology at the University of Cyprus.

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