Stephanie Pantelides is currently a Post-doctoral Researcher funded by a “Didaktor fellowship” that is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation and works with Prof. Marios N. Avraamides at the Department of Psychology and at Center of Applied Neuroscience, both at the University of Cyprus. Her research focuses on how people process, represent, and update spatial information encoded through different sensory modalities (e.g., vision, haptics) and language. Also, she investigates different factors that influence how people integrate spatial information derived through different modalities. Currently, her research is focused on the investigation how sensory (i.e., visual, haptic) and/or linguistic spatial encoding may affect the integration of spatial information.
She has previously obtained a BA in Psychology, a M.A in Cognitive, Educational, and Developmental Psychology, and a Ph.D degree in Psychology with focus in Cognitive Psychology, from the University of Cyprus.
She has also worked as a Post-doctoral scientist at the Center for Applied Neuroscience prior to becoming the principal investigator of the MULTISPACE project and worked with Prof. Fofi Constantinidou on how neurological conditions such as Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE) and ageing may affect the processing and integration of visual and linguistic spatial information. Also, she has previously held a position of Special Scientist at the Department of Psychology at the University of Cyprus where she taught courses of Experimental Psychology and Research Methodology. She has extensive experience on the experimental design and programming.
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