The Center for Applied Neuroscience (CAN) is excited to announce its Summer Internship Program for summer 2020. We are seeking talented and highly motivated undergraduate students from Cyprus or abroad, who are interested in gaining research experience on multidisciplinary projects.
Interns will have the opportunity to engage with research at the CAN’s facilities on the University of Cyprus campus under the supervision of internationally recognized academics and researchers. Also, depending on individual readiness, interns will be able to develop introductory skills in the use of the latest research methods, techniques and lab equipment.
Summer interns will have the option to either:
(1) Select to participate in one or more ongoing projects or
(2) Propose a project of interest*
*interns who propose their own suggested project must note that this will be considered, provided that the center has the capacity in terms of supervision and facilities
Interns who are accepted to the program will be assigned to one lab.
Areas of Lab’s research and projects
The following research labs will accept summer interns:
• Neurocognitive Research Laboratory
• Clinical Psychology and Psychophysiology Lab
• Language and Cognitive Development Research Group
Internship Duration
Approximately 4-8 weeks and must be completed between June 15 and August 30, 2020 depending on the supervisor’s availability.
Eligibility Criteria
• Undergraduate students with an excellent academic background and a strong interest in cognition, language and neuroscience research.
• Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
• Demonstrated knowledge of Greek or English.
Application Process and Deadline
Applicants should submit a resume that details their relevant work and educational experience and a letter of interest (500 words) indicating why they want to work as an intern at the Center for Applied Neuroscience and with which lab (s) they desire collaboration.
All applications must be submitted by email to
Deadline: 5th June 2020
- The Internship does NOT provide a stipend, accommodation, or living or traveling or other expenses.
For more information about the CAN and the internship opportunity please contact 22-895190.
If the COVID-19 situation allows us, we will stick to the schedule. Please check our website regularly for updates.