Project: Reading Difficulties Intervention: Scientific, Technological, and new community efforts
Acronym: ReaDI-STANCE
Early intervention is crucial to the prevention of reading difficulties (RD). Nevertheless, there are no empirically validated answers to the question of what intervention(s) work best, for which children, in what setting(s), for what duration, and for what reason. Hence, there is an urgent need for several educational systems to get more deeply involved in this area.
The aims of the ReaDI-STANCE project are three-fold: First, to examine the efficacy of two intervention programs, one with more cognitive (e-PREP: e-PASS Reading Enhancement Program) and one with a more phoneme-code (Graphogame ) focus. Both programs will be delivered as web-based applications through platforms that will allow data storage and processing via remote servers. Second, to develop a novel framework for analyzing remediation data micro-genetically. We expect that this sort of data processing will help us explore the learning progress dynamics and developmental stages of the readers during the intervention and examine the type of early intervention most useful for treating specific reading problems. Finally, to train mainstream classroom teachers, special education teachers, and school psychologists to understand better how to apply evidence-based effective intervention in theory and practice.
The Center for Applied Neuroscience, University of Cyprus is the grant holder, and Professor Timothy Papadopoulos is the Principal Coordinator of the project. The consortium consist by the Cyprus Psychology Association, the ‘Hope for Children’ (HFC)’ CRC Policy Centre from Cyprus, the SEIT-Lab, Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, as well as the University of Jyväskylä from Finland, the University of Alberta from Canada, and the St. John’s University from New York, USA. The project is funded by the Research and Innovation Foundation in the framework of the Competitive Program “Excellence Hubs”, which forms part of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness and Sustainable Development 2014-2020” and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus (Grant Agreement No. EXCELLENCE/1216/0508; 2019-2021; Total budget €150,000). The project consists seven work-packages. For more information click here.
The recently completed 2-Day ReaDI-STANCE Conference focused on treating reading difficulties using online applications. For more information, visit the conference program.
The Consortium had participated at the Project’s Kick-off Meeting on the 13th of June 2019. Here you can find the agenda and photos of the event.
For more information about the members of the Consortium please click here. For more information on the project, check out their website.